Our Services

We provide a comprehensive and a complete solution package to address all angles of your business needs.

Major Suppliers

Mastering the art of negotiation, our clients always receive the best prices and conditions that are convenient to their business endeavors.

Shipping Logistics

Our solid business relationship with many shipping companies allows our clients to receive the best price in the industry.

Quality Control

Not all materials are received as per requirement. We make sure that the orders are processed and shipped as intended. 


Cardboard is collected from curbside bins, businesses, and other sources. Only then, the cardboard is compacted into large bales for easier transportation.


Whether Cardboard, Plastic or Scrap metal we make sure the product is sorted to remove contaminants or other non desired materials, thus guaranteeing customer satisfaction.


The cost of ground and sea freight can impact the bottom line of your business. But that is when our great relationship with those service providers come into action!

Talk To Us

We are bound to work under the strict recycling regulations of the United States of America.